The Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has also introduced various initiatives such as the District Institute of Education & Training (DIET) of Excellence, National Professional Standard for Teachers (NPST), National Mission for Mentoring (NMM), and the integration of National Vidya Samiksha Kendra with their state counterparts along with 200 TV DTH channels.

Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan unveils 52 short textbooks in Indian non-scheduled languages (Photo Credit: Agencies)
New Delhi: Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan recently launched 52 short textbooks in Indian non-scheduled languages, including tribal languages, to provide early childhood care and education in the learners’ mother tongue.
The introduction of 52 primers in Indian non-scheduled languages is a significant step for young learners, especially in early childhood education, offering them education in their native language. This will kickstart an inspiring journey for young minds, leading to better understanding, lifelong learning, more connection with indigenous culture, and academic success,” he said.
These primers, which are short books introducing subjects to students, have been developed by NCERT in collaboration with the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru.
Non-scheduled languages include all languages spoken in India that do not have official recognition.
“The introduction of 52 primers in Indian languages marks the beginning of a new cultural renaissance. These initiatives will create a modern learning environment, promote education in Indian languages, fulfill the vision of NEP – 2020, and transform school education holistically,” the minister added.
This initiative aligns with the government’s efforts to promote the use of Indian languages in education at all levels, in accordance with the National Education Policy (NEP) – 2020,” he stated.
“The primers will inspire young minds, leading to better understanding, lifelong learning, deeper cultural roots, and academic success,” Pradhan emphasized.
The minister also announced the establishment of District Institute of Education & Training (DIET) of Excellence, National Professional Standard for Teachers, National Mission for Mentoring, and the integration of National Vidya Samiksha Kendra with state counterparts and 200 TV DTH channels, aiming to empower teachers and students and enhance the quality and inclusivity of education.
“Financial support will be provided to states/Union Territories for the physical improvement of all DIETs to develop them as DIET of Excellence in the country over the next five years, up to Rs 15 crore/DIET under the centrally-sponsored scheme of Samagra Shiksha,” the ministry confirmed.
School Education Secretary Sanjay Kumar highlighted the NEP – 2020’s recommendation to achieve a 100% gross enrolment ratio at the secondary level by 2030.
“The department is dedicated to achieving this goal. New textbooks for classes 3-12 are being developed, some of which are already available, and the rest will be released soon,” he assured.
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